
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

WebQuest 2

1. Fill in the definition here: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).   2. Provide some examples (from the same website): - Amount of CO2 emitted by burning one liter of gasoline: 2.3 kg of CO2 - Driving a car for 6 km: 1 kg of CO2 - Creating 5 plastic bags: 1 kg of CO2 - Producing a cheeseburger: 3 kg of CO2   3. Quiz results: What is your carbon footprint weight? My carbon footprint is 0%   What is the target weight impact? The target impact is 9.6 tonnes.   What percentage was in stuff, travel, food and home? The percentage in stuff was 33%, in travel was 28%, in food was 23% and in home was 16%.   Video “Plants and animals can adapt to climate change, right?” 4. When was the last time the Earth warmed up so fast? The last time the Earth warmed up so fast was 55 million years ago.   5. What is the name of the current

WebQuest 1

1. The Tower of London - On Tuesday, January 12 th at 12 AM - Ticket value £25.00 - Nearest station: London Bridge   2. Cadem Market - On Wednesday, January 13 th at 10 AM to 5 PM - Free Pass - Nearest station: Cadem Town   3. London Eye - On Friday morning, January 15 th at 10 AM to 1 PM - Ticket value £27.00 - Nearest station: Waterloo   4. Wembley Stadium - On Friday afternoon, January 15 th at 3 PM to 6 PM - Ticket value £9.80 - Nearest station: Tower Hill   5. Wembley Stadium - On Saturday, January 16 th at 1.30 PM - Ticket value £22 (Tour included) - Nearest station: Wembley Park     Total cost of the trip: £83.80

Pascualina's story

Paulina Monckeberg Bruner is a Chilean graphic designer graduated from the Universidad de Chile, also studied Marketing and Advertising. She is the sister of the minister Cristian Monckeberg and niece of journalist María Olivia Monckeberg. She became known for the creation of the famous "Pascualina" notebook bought by thousands of teenagers. She created the character of Pascualina in 1989 and the first copy went on sale in 1990. According to her, the notebook "was born with the aim of training little girls. It proposes to improve their character day by day and helps them grow as people." Years later, the controversy arose that the notebook contained conservative and sexist messages about sexual freedom, femininity and obedience as fundamental values. This was because Paulina was a member of Opus Dei that is she has vows of chastity, poverty and obedience to the branch of the Catholic Church. Among the most controversial phrases are: - "Don’t access sex

Purple Alert by Antonia Barra

Abuse and rape of women are very frequent news in Chile. Women got tired of staying in silent and now they are denouncing on social networks all the men who have abused them. This demonstration called "Funa" started in November of last year. Thousands of women's testimonies of rape, sexual abuse and mistreatment by men began to appear because in past times these testimonies weren’t credible by the community. One of the cases that shook women was of Antonia Barra. She committed suicide after Martin Pradenas has sexually abused her. In this moment she was in a condition of vulnerability because she had drunk a lot of alcohol and Pradenas took advantage of her. The case went to court which the accused claims to be innocent after five girls testified that Martin Pradenas had also raped them. In Chile, men who commit sexual abuse and mistreatment of women are released even though evidence shows otherwise. This shows that rapists walk freely on the street and we are exposed

Story of a Photograph

This photo was taken in Puerto Montt. I and my friends met up in the city centre at 4 p.m. to walk and eat ice cream. Suddenly, while we were walking we saw the youtuber Pollo Castillo and we were in shock because we had never seen him in person, we only watched his funny videos on social networks. The craziest thing was that he was just filming one of his videos in the city. There were a lot of people looking at him and asking him for photos. We came up with the idea of ​​also asking him for a photo but we were very embarrassed to talk him. We started to discuss who will ask him for the photo. Finally my friend Joaquín dared and asked him for a photo with all of us. He said, "Okay, no problem. Do you want a selfie?" and we said "yes!”. After that moment we were able to continue our walk.

Meditation Reflection

1) What do you think of the video? Do you meditate? Why? Do you feel it works? Why? The video is very interesting although I don't understand much about science. I personally don’t meditate because it seems boring to me but I feel that it works for the people who practice it. I prefer to move the body like dancing or do exercise to relax and reduce stress. 2) How are you feeling these days? Why? These days I feel bored, scared and worried about what is happening outside because of the pandemic. I also feel sad because I can't see my friends. 3) How do I feel when the English class starts? When starts English class I feel tired because of the demand and pressure of the other subjects.    

Gender Stereotypes (Reflection)

It’s obvious that gender stereotypes are still present in society but, how do we end them?  The solution is education. Most people are afraid to end them for the opinion of others. As human beings we always tend to judge the appearance, actions or words of the rest and we don’t realize that we inhibit their freedom of expression. So, we must educate people, especially children, to leave this prejudice called “gender stereotype”. Although it’s difficult because constantly the publicity and the communication media promote how a woman and a man should be and behave. To generate this change, we must start by tearing down sexism.