
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

Opinion about give your personal informacion on social Network


How the Oscars Work

1. Why did you select the article? I select the article “How the Oscars Work” because I like movies, I like evaluate them. I see the Academy Award every year and I give my predictions of which will be the winner.  Before the ceremony, I see all the nominated films.   2. Did you find enough information in the article? Did you find the info you were looking for? Kind of, I already knew most of the information.   3. What was the most interesting thing you learnt about it? The most interesting thing I learned was the members of the academy and the system of choosing the nominees. Besides, I learned about the accounting firm that tabulates the votes of nominated and winning candidates. 4. Make a list of 15 words from the article that you found difficult to understand. Find their meaning.   Gears up: Prepararse para  Guest: Invitado Embarrasing: Bochornoso/ Vergonzoso Mishap: Percanse Tidbits: Chisme Achievement: Logro   Branch: Rama Ballot: Votación Bestow: Otorgar/ Conceder In

Who am I?

My name is Claudia Mansilla. I was born in Puerto Montt, Chile in 2001. At elementary school, I studied in 2 schools, Liceo Dario Salas and Arriaran Barros. Later, I completed my high school studied in the second school mentioned. After, I studied Design in Universidad de Chile in Santiago city. At present, I’m studying the third semester of the degree. I live with my parents and my brother in Puerto Montt, but in Santiago, I live alone. My dad is a professor of mathematics and my mom is housewife. They are both 50 years old. On the other hand, my brother who is 15 years old, he studies in high school on 10° grade. My hobbies are listening music, watch Netflix and videos on YouTube and camping because I am scout.  Besides, in Santiago, I like go for a walk. When I was 3 years old 

Activity 2 (Questions)

What is your opinion about smart phones? In my opinion, Smart phones are equipment very used for people. Occupying them a lot can have consequences in sight. For this reason, people should stop depending on them. What is your opinion about women in the military? I honestly feel that it’s very well. Women can be in any job. Today, there isn’t gender discrimination; on the contrary, it's a pride to have a woman in that kind of job. What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians? I strongly believe that they are hypocrite. They talk about fighting for the people's needs, however they earn a lot of money being politician, money that no average person earns. Furthermore, they don’t want to lower their salary. That’s the reason why I don't believe in their words. What is your opinion about violence on television? I believe that there isn’t violence on television, but there is domestic violence. I think that this is a problem that must be solved, becau